some key things to keep in mind about shaping your social graph, according to my mental half-baked intuition database search results:
[[the strength of weak ties]] - make multiple connections; this is the most key point I’d make about social network theory to those who want to use it to make the world better.
people often want a coherent densely-connected community to “go home to”; this can be online and you don’t have to have one
making a highly purpose-focused subnetwork your emotional home can be risky, though
try to connect with kademlia-style logarithmic connectivity, to make sure you have a map of the world
check out some social network theory intros to get a visual intuition what it is that @Henrik is getting at here about the shapes of social graphs; eg the one from the alan turing institute on youtube is good. or just look up some random pics of social graph maps. or don’t.
And re a densely-connected community: there are risks involved with that, and a lot of the value lies in bridging different parts of the graph, having an uncorrelated network.
some key things to keep in mind about shaping your social graph, according to my mental half-baked intuition database search results:
[[the strength of weak ties]] - make multiple connections; this is the most key point I’d make about social network theory to those who want to use it to make the world better.
people often want a coherent densely-connected community to “go home to”; this can be online and you don’t have to have one
making a highly purpose-focused subnetwork your emotional home can be risky, though
try to connect with kademlia-style logarithmic connectivity, to make sure you have a map of the world
check out some social network theory intros to get a visual intuition what it is that @Henrik is getting at here about the shapes of social graphs; eg the one from the alan turing institute on youtube is good. or just look up some random pics of social graph maps. or don’t.
What is kademliha-style logaritmic connectivity?
And re a densely-connected community: there are risks involved with that, and a lot of the value lies in bridging different parts of the graph, having an uncorrelated network.
It is a distributed algorithm that has certain desirable properties: