Another item for the list of “mundane things you can do for AI takeover prevention”:
We have a wide variety of ways to make AI systems less capable but also less scary. Most alignment research is focused on pushing out the Pareto frontier here. But IMO a lot of value can come from techniques which allow us to choose the right point on this Pareto frontier for a particular application. It seems to me that different AI applications (where by “different AI applications” I’m including things like “different types of tasks you might ask your assistant to do”) have very different tradeoffs between capabilities and scariness. The classic example of this is that you plausibly shouldn’t put your scariest/smartest AIs in charge of running your nuclear weapon silos, because it seems like the returns to being super smart aren’t very high, and the model has particularly good opportunities to behave badly. On the other hand, galaxy brained AIs that were trained end-to-end to use inscrutable thoughts to have incomprehensible ideas can be used fruitfully on tasks where the stakes aren’t high or where verification is easy.
Another item for the list of “mundane things you can do for AI takeover prevention”:
We have a wide variety of ways to make AI systems less capable but also less scary. Most alignment research is focused on pushing out the Pareto frontier here. But IMO a lot of value can come from techniques which allow us to choose the right point on this Pareto frontier for a particular application. It seems to me that different AI applications (where by “different AI applications” I’m including things like “different types of tasks you might ask your assistant to do”) have very different tradeoffs between capabilities and scariness. The classic example of this is that you plausibly shouldn’t put your scariest/smartest AIs in charge of running your nuclear weapon silos, because it seems like the returns to being super smart aren’t very high, and the model has particularly good opportunities to behave badly. On the other hand, galaxy brained AIs that were trained end-to-end to use inscrutable thoughts to have incomprehensible ideas can be used fruitfully on tasks where the stakes aren’t high or where verification is easy.