Those who can band together to exert coordinated social pressure, win. So unless there is some friction to group formation, politicization seems inevitable.
Much like mugging is inevitable unless people in general band together against it.
In the war of all against all, people might wish to declare a truce to end the war, but they better be prepared to retaliate against those who break the truce, or they should expect to see it broken more and more, until even those who would prefer a truce feel it’s not a realistic option and the truce ceases to exist.
Much like mugging is inevitable unless people in general band together against it.
In the war of all against all, people might wish to declare a truce to end the war, but they better be prepared to retaliate against those who break the truce, or they should expect to see it broken more and more, until even those who would prefer a truce feel it’s not a realistic option and the truce ceases to exist.