The problem of programming isn’t to translate natural language into computer code. It’s to think about both the structure of the problem and the structure of the solution.
In practice programmers also want to write safe code. The architecture you link to looks like it doesn’t make clear gurantees about the data. It uses a neural network that works a bit like a black box.
There are likely usecases where such a tool is useful but I don’t think it will bring replace the need for programmers in a meaningful way.
The problem of programming isn’t to translate natural language into computer code. It’s to think about both the structure of the problem and the structure of the solution.
In practice programmers also want to write safe code. The architecture you link to looks like it doesn’t make clear gurantees about the data. It uses a neural network that works a bit like a black box. There are likely usecases where such a tool is useful but I don’t think it will bring replace the need for programmers in a meaningful way.