Eliezer to speak in Oxford, 8pm Jan 25th
Next Tuesday Eliezer will be giving a talk in conjunction with the Oxford Transhumanists entitled “Smarter-Than-Human Artificial Intelligence: Predictably the Most Important Thing in the History of Ever”. The talk is open for everybody and it would be great to meet any of you that are in the area and can come down. The talk will be followed by drinks at the Turf Tavern, and hopefully we will be able to drag Eliezer with us for further discussion.
When: 8pm, Tuesday January 25th
Where: Saskatchewan Room, Exeter College, Turl Street, OX1 3DP (there will be ushers to guide you to the room from the college entrance)
RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182377671794308
Eliezer doesn’t often speak in this part of the world so don’t miss it!
Nifty. Will there be a video of the talk?
did someone check or respond yet?
Audio was posted: http://groupspaces.com/oxfordtranshumanists/pages/past-talks
...and he also already had a talk at Oxford these days at FHI’s Winter Intelligence Conference: http://www.fhi.ox.ac.uk/events_data/winter_conference
Videos should be available soon, and I must admit I’m a bit more eager to hear what he and others had to say at this gathering than what his forthcoming talk shall bring us…
Ah, yes, I was hoping that there’d be videos of those too. Glad to hear they should be available soon; I’m looking forward to seeing his and some of the others.
I don’t think there’s anything in there that readers of the Sequences will be unfamiliar with.
Someone ought to make a serious effort to get Richard Dawkins to attend, if he’s in town.
Excellent idea!
History of Ever. I like it. :)
I’d love to be able to watch the talk.
Alas—the same day that the Invariants have Euler himself speaking! (according to the termcard)
25th Jan already had too many talks I’d like to go to
2pm: OerC: LifeWatch: An e-Science infrastructure for biodiversity research 4pm: Ox Learning Inst: Plausible alibis: Why many of us procrastinate, over-commit and set unrealistic standards
530pm: Wolfson:The strangest man: the challenge of writing on Paul Dirac 7pm: Mus hist sci:Mapping the Earth in Medieval Islam
and now 8pm:The most important talk in the History of Ever and 830pm:Leonard Euler himself
Can I have a Spimster wicket please?
Wow, that’s quite a day.
Also, welcome to Less Wrong, and the Oxford contingent thereof! Hopefully we’ll see you at one of our talks or discussion meetings—I’m the guy with the ponytail.
Travelling internationally to give a talk on AI to transhumanists in one of the main futurist areas of the UK seems quite low utility. (See: Preaching to the choir).
Has Eliezer anything particularly new to say which he hasn’t said in previous talks or written about online, or are there likely to be many people there who are both interested in AI, important to it’s future and yet also not following it?
If I was in the area I would be there, but a several hour round trip doesn’t mesh with workdays too well.
He was already going to be in Oxford anyway, to attend and speak at FHI’s conference on intelligence and existential risk, which seems well-justified.