Today had good highs and a very low low. The high points came from having a very small birthday dinner and consuming good food with a few others, being virtually social with friends (we played some rounds in Paladins and did okay, twas fun), and from being reasonably productive during the “4 hours of digital tasks” time in the morning. The very low low sucked, but I don’t want to talk about it further here. I will be okay, and I have a good support system to talk about it with.
I was successful regarding 2 from yesterday’s ToDo, but not 1 or 3. I will repeat the same ToDo list for tomorrow. I did my taxes today, and the tax prep software indicated I likely will get a refund of some amount, yay.
Upon going to YouTube to find that link, I saw that ContraPoints is streaming!!! Time to go enjoy ContraPoints Live for a little bit before bed! If you aren’t familiar with her, ContraPoints is a trans YouTuber who makes videos about philosophy and politics, but does so really well and with a fab aesthetic. Go watch her stuff, here’s her channel description and link to her channel: ” YouTuber, ex-philosopher. Sex, drugs, and social justice. 🌸 ”
Shortform #42 Ah, more writing.
Today had good highs and a very low low. The high points came from having a very small birthday dinner and consuming good food with a few others, being virtually social with friends (we played some rounds in Paladins and did okay, twas fun), and from being reasonably productive during the “4 hours of digital tasks” time in the morning. The very low low sucked, but I don’t want to talk about it further here. I will be okay, and I have a good support system to talk about it with.
I was successful regarding 2 from yesterday’s ToDo, but not 1 or 3. I will repeat the same ToDo list for tomorrow. I did my taxes today, and the tax prep software indicated I likely will get a refund of some amount, yay.
I listened to Leylines by Aes Dana
Upon going to YouTube to find that link, I saw that ContraPoints is streaming!!! Time to go enjoy ContraPoints Live for a little bit before bed! If you aren’t familiar with her, ContraPoints is a trans YouTuber who makes videos about philosophy and politics, but does so really well and with a fab aesthetic. Go watch her stuff, here’s her channel description and link to her channel: ” YouTuber, ex-philosopher. Sex, drugs, and social justice. 🌸 ”
Be Well!