I am obsessed with such things ^^^^. What are ideas, how do they work? When you reduce until everything is just axioms, why do you build what you build on top of those axioms? <<<< mostly rhetorical questions, though sometimes they can be nice to meditate on.
Thank goodness for reality, not only is existence a lovely thing, but the territory provides a great foundation upon which to build maps. And then there’s Math.
I don’t expect this post to make any coherent sense to others, it’s for me, it makes sense for me. Back to watching Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” on Netflix now that my media diet has concluded. If you’ve read this, I hope you’re doing well, salud! What concepts are you obsessed with?
Shortform #97 Frames, paradigms, priors, concept space, oh my!
I am obsessed with such things ^^^^. What are ideas, how do they work? When you reduce until everything is just axioms, why do you build what you build on top of those axioms? <<<< mostly rhetorical questions, though sometimes they can be nice to meditate on.
Thank goodness for reality, not only is existence a lovely thing, but the territory provides a great foundation upon which to build maps. And then there’s Math.
I don’t expect this post to make any coherent sense to others, it’s for me, it makes sense for me. Back to watching Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” on Netflix now that my media diet has concluded. If you’ve read this, I hope you’re doing well, salud! What concepts are you obsessed with?