Shortform #138 A good but slightly disorienting day
I applied for a promising job today, here’s to hoping that bears fruit!
I am somewhat out of whack due to having to suddenly house sit instead of going to my own home after work. I do not enjoy this, but it’s an obligation I’m fulfilling.
No meetup tonight, I rescheduled Norfolk’s meetup for Thursday evening (the 29th). I’m excited for the meetup tomorrow!
Shortform #138 A good but slightly disorienting day
I applied for a promising job today, here’s to hoping that bears fruit!
I am somewhat out of whack due to having to suddenly house sit instead of going to my own home after work. I do not enjoy this, but it’s an obligation I’m fulfilling.
No meetup tonight, I rescheduled Norfolk’s meetup for Thursday evening (the 29th). I’m excited for the meetup tomorrow!