The bible is written by many authors, and contains fictional and fictionalized characters. Its a collection of several thousand year old fanfiction. Like modern fanfiction, people tried telling variations on the same story or the same characters. (2 entirely different genesis stories) Hence there not even being a pretence at consistency. This explains why the main character is so often portrayed as a Mary Sue. And why there are many different books each written in a different style. And the prevalence of weird sex scenes.
The bible is written by many authors, and contains fictional and fictionalized characters. Its a collection of several thousand year old fanfiction. Like modern fanfiction, people tried telling variations on the same story or the same characters. (2 entirely different genesis stories) Hence there not even being a pretence at consistency. This explains why the main character is so often portrayed as a Mary Sue. And why there are many different books each written in a different style. And the prevalence of weird sex scenes.