I’m not convinced that people need meaningful work—for a long time, wealthy people seem to have been content to live for the fun of it. I think we’re trained to think we need meaningful work.
It’s more plausible that people need to think they make a difference to other people, but that’s a matter of social and intimate relationships.
I agree. I also think that we might see what we can do to build solid communities where sharing, experiences, ritual, and life are a major driving force. In other words, the way things were not too long ago. Indigenous cultures could be helpful in reminding us how to live in this manner.
I’m not convinced that people need meaningful work—for a long time, wealthy people seem to have been content to live for the fun of it. I think we’re trained to think we need meaningful work.
It’s more plausible that people need to think they make a difference to other people, but that’s a matter of social and intimate relationships.
I agree. I also think that we might see what we can do to build solid communities where sharing, experiences, ritual, and life are a major driving force. In other words, the way things were not too long ago. Indigenous cultures could be helpful in reminding us how to live in this manner.