Regarding the particles with mass-ratios following sphere integrals: this isn’t quite an analogy for many worlds. Particle masses following that sort of pattern is empirically testable: as particle mass measurements gain precision over time, the theory would predict that their mass ratios continue to match the pattern. Many worlds is a different beast: it is mathematically equivalent to other interpretations of quantum mechanics. The different interpretations provably make the same predictions for everything, always. They use the same exact math. The only difference is interpretation.
Regarding the particles with mass-ratios following sphere integrals: this isn’t quite an analogy for many worlds. Particle masses following that sort of pattern is empirically testable: as particle mass measurements gain precision over time, the theory would predict that their mass ratios continue to match the pattern. Many worlds is a different beast: it is mathematically equivalent to other interpretations of quantum mechanics. The different interpretations provably make the same predictions for everything, always. They use the same exact math. The only difference is interpretation.