I’ve set up an experimental Google Wave for this with Morendil. Eqygadget seems to be able to render Latex input in the Wave.
I can add people to the Wave so you can take a look. Just give your Wave account id here, on the #lesswrong IRC channel or mail it to rsaarelm at the Gmail.
I’ve set up an experimental Google Wave for this with Morendil. Eqygadget seems to be able to render Latex input in the Wave.
I can add people to the Wave so you can take a look. Just give your Wave account id here, on the #lesswrong IRC channel or mail it to rsaarelm at the Gmail.
Sorry I’m late too. ispollock at googlewave
dimeforthepassingtime here. Sorry I’m late.
add me
I’m robin.zimm—let me know a time to get on to see how this will work.
I’m adelenedawner@googlewave.com