Hello there. This seems to be a quirky corner of the internet that I should’ve discovered and started using years ago. Looking forward to reading these productive conversations! I am particularly interested in information, computation, complex system and intelligence.
Good to have you around, you’ll definitely not be alone here with these interests. And always feel free to complain about any problems you run into either in these Open Threads, or via the Intercom chat in the bottom right corner.
Hello there. This seems to be a quirky corner of the internet that I should’ve discovered and started using years ago. Looking forward to reading these productive conversations! I am particularly interested in information, computation, complex system and intelligence.
Hey Cheops!
Good to have you around, you’ll definitely not be alone here with these interests. And always feel free to complain about any problems you run into either in these Open Threads, or via the Intercom chat in the bottom right corner.