I’m tentatively tempted to start doing this in a shortform.
I notice I feel like it’s fine to highlight someone’s comment? They put it on the site, so it’s not private. I’d be keeping it on the same site, not taking it somewhere else without attribution. I wouldn’t generally like my contributions moved between places or attributed to me on other pseudonyms, and maybe there’s a stronger argument here than I’m thinking.
My understanding is shortforms have next to no visibility unless people are already subscribed to a particular person’s shortform feed. That seems about right for me? If I’m interested in what say, Scott thinks the best comments are but not interested in what Ray thinks the best comments are, then I subscribe to one but not the other.
I’m not saying this is the best possible UX, I’m just noting I’m tempted to try this with the affordances I have.
Tangential question: I know how to view all the posts by karma or by other criteria. Is there a way to view all comments by karma or other criteria? It occurs to me that part of the reason I don’t usually read comment threads except on my own posts is that I don’t know where the good discussion is happening.
I’m tentatively tempted to start doing this in a shortform.
I notice I feel like it’s fine to highlight someone’s comment? They put it on the site, so it’s not private. I’d be keeping it on the same site, not taking it somewhere else without attribution. I wouldn’t generally like my contributions moved between places or attributed to me on other pseudonyms, and maybe there’s a stronger argument here than I’m thinking.
How do shortforms work? Doesn’t virtually nobody see them?
My understanding is shortforms have next to no visibility unless people are already subscribed to a particular person’s shortform feed. That seems about right for me? If I’m interested in what say, Scott thinks the best comments are but not interested in what Ray thinks the best comments are, then I subscribe to one but not the other.
I’m not saying this is the best possible UX, I’m just noting I’m tempted to try this with the affordances I have.
As a quick note, I think it’s pretty likely we will copy the EA Forum’s Quick Takes section: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/
I quite like how it works, and I think it gives about the right level of visibility to shortform posts.
Tangential question: I know how to view all the posts by karma or by other criteria. Is there a way to view all comments by karma or other criteria? It occurs to me that part of the reason I don’t usually read comment threads except on my own posts is that I don’t know where the good discussion is happening.
Oh boy, I can’t wait for this.
It’s done as of yesterday!