@Ruby @Raemon @RobertM I’ve had a post waiting to be approved for almost two weeks now (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/gSfPk8ZPoHe2PJADv/can-quantised-autoencoders-find-and-interpret-circuits-in, username: charlieoneill). Is this normal? Cheers!
Huh, definitely not normal, and I don’t remember anything in the queue. It seems to be approved now.
@Ruby @Raemon @RobertM I’ve had a post waiting to be approved for almost two weeks now (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/gSfPk8ZPoHe2PJADv/can-quantised-autoencoders-find-and-interpret-circuits-in, username: charlieoneill). Is this normal? Cheers!
Huh, definitely not normal, and I don’t remember anything in the queue. It seems to be approved now.