One way of tracing the uhm, data I guess might be to say, we see, naively, a chair. And know that underneath the chair out there is, at the bottom level we’re aware of, energy fields and fundamental forces. And those concepts, like the chair, correspond to a physics model, which is in turn a simplification/distillation of vast reams of recorded experimental data into said rules/objects, which is in turn actual results of taking measurements during experiments, which in turn are the results of actual physical/historical events. So the reductionist model—fields and forces—I think is still a map of experimental results tagged with like, interpretations that tie them together, I guess.
Er, I guess I should say its strictly /not/ an attempt at a simplified description, but a minimal description which can still account for everything...
One way of tracing the uhm, data I guess might be to say, we see, naively, a chair. And know that underneath the chair out there is, at the bottom level we’re aware of, energy fields and fundamental forces. And those concepts, like the chair, correspond to a physics model, which is in turn a simplification/distillation of vast reams of recorded experimental data into said rules/objects, which is in turn actual results of taking measurements during experiments, which in turn are the results of actual physical/historical events. So the reductionist model—fields and forces—I think is still a map of experimental results tagged with like, interpretations that tie them together, I guess.
Er, I guess I should say its strictly /not/ an attempt at a simplified description, but a minimal description which can still account for everything...