Uploaded the file, checked in my browser, all seemed a go. But I didn’t reckon with Yahoo Group’s permissioning, which has some limitations, so I needed to move the doc.
But, I couldn’t just move it. Just move copyrighed material? Lawlessness! Theft! Anarchy!
The letter is part of a library special collection, of which I hope to get more. There are forms to fill out for where I’ll be “publishing” the doc. Sent the forms in, I’ve given them a call now, and they’re all happy, so I can update the post with the new links. Good times.
I’ve jigged up something moderately sensible at a google site. I’ll update the post with the new links and we’ll see how that works out.
There are probably a few files of interest from the Yahoo Group that I’ll move out to the google site sometime too.
Thank you for helping me debug. I’ve found more good stuff—including Everett’s thesis. I don’t agree with his fundamental conclusions, but he’s a good read. Some of the long thesis is very much like Korzybski, but without the repetitive jargon laced pontifications—i.e., much improved read over K.
Directory at Google site with all the links and docs above. Also links to Washington University at St. Louis copyright form for this doc, Everett’s thesis, long and short forms, and Jaynes’ paper (the papers they were discussing in their correspondence). I hope to be adding the final letter in this exchange, Jaynes to Hewitt 17-June-1957, within a couple of weeks. , and maybe some documents from the Yahoo Group ETJaynesStudy as well.
It’s too bad that no anonymous thief was willing to download the Yahoo copies, and reupload them to a Dropbox; after all, it’s not like the library could blame you for such a thing happening—it’s teh Internets, after all.
As my sister would say, “it’s never that easy”.
Uploaded the file, checked in my browser, all seemed a go. But I didn’t reckon with Yahoo Group’s permissioning, which has some limitations, so I needed to move the doc.
But, I couldn’t just move it. Just move copyrighed material? Lawlessness! Theft! Anarchy!
The letter is part of a library special collection, of which I hope to get more. There are forms to fill out for where I’ll be “publishing” the doc. Sent the forms in, I’ve given them a call now, and they’re all happy, so I can update the post with the new links. Good times.
I’ve jigged up something moderately sensible at a google site. I’ll update the post with the new links and we’ll see how that works out.
There are probably a few files of interest from the Yahoo Group that I’ll move out to the google site sometime too.
Thanks for the effort you put into fixing this—I can download it now. Amazing! Thank you for making it available.
Thank you for helping me debug. I’ve found more good stuff—including Everett’s thesis. I don’t agree with his fundamental conclusions, but he’s a good read. Some of the long thesis is very much like Korzybski, but without the repetitive jargon laced pontifications—i.e., much improved read over K.
Directory at Google site with all the links and docs above. Also links to Washington University at St. Louis copyright form for this doc, Everett’s thesis, long and short forms, and Jaynes’ paper (the papers they were discussing in their correspondence). I hope to be adding the final letter in this exchange, Jaynes to Hewitt 17-June-1957, within a couple of weeks. , and maybe some documents from the Yahoo Group ETJaynesStudy as well.
It’s too bad that no anonymous thief was willing to download the Yahoo copies, and reupload them to a Dropbox; after all, it’s not like the library could blame you for such a thing happening—it’s teh Internets, after all.