″ How’s it doing?” said Fred in a low voice.
“Still on the fritz,” said George.
“Both, or—”
“Intermittent one fixed itself again. Other one’s same as ever.”
I now think this refers to warm!Harry showing up as HJPEV and his dark side as Tom M. Riddle. If so, it’s less probable the map is being manipulated.
Harry can go months without using his dark side. Quirrel on the other hand goes into zombie mode every day. Perhaps zombie mode is what’s left of the original Quirrel.
In chapter 25 the Weasley twins discuss the map
I now think this refers to warm!Harry showing up as HJPEV and his dark side as Tom M. Riddle. If so, it’s less probable the map is being manipulated.
Eliezer says on r/hpmor that the intermittent map “error” is V’s intermittent control of Q’s body.
Harry can go months without using his dark side. Quirrel on the other hand goes into zombie mode every day. Perhaps zombie mode is what’s left of the original Quirrel.
My prediction is that zombie mode is Quirrel checking up on Horcruxes in the same way he views the stars.