But my true epiphany came on a certain day when David Monroe was trying to get an entry permit for an Asian instructor in combat tactics, and a Ministry clerk denied it, smiling smugly.
Is this the same Asian combat instructor mentioned earlier, I wonder?
I vote no on this theory. “All the good martial artists live” in Asia, so that may be the reason this combat instructor was said to be Asian, but if he was trying to get a random Muggle in, (1) Quirrellmort would have said “Muggle instructor”, and (2) there would have been more legitimate resistance than just a smugly smiling clerk.
Is this the same Asian combat instructor mentioned earlier, I wonder?
Yes. Riddle received this training as Monroe, most likely, and then threw his temper tantrum as Voldemort to make sure no one else could get it.
I vote no on this theory. “All the good martial artists live” in Asia, so that may be the reason this combat instructor was said to be Asian, but if he was trying to get a random Muggle in, (1) Quirrellmort would have said “Muggle instructor”, and (2) there would have been more legitimate resistance than just a smugly smiling clerk.