Honestly, you might be better off postponing until you get some good data before to make sure you have a non-affected control sample.
This is my greatest regret with my experiment. It’s clear to me when I’m not functioning at all, but reduced function is a lot more subtle. It’s also hard to establish a baseline- driving to the store to pick up some alarm stuff before I transitioned, I noticed I was consistently making navigation errors, leading to it taking significantly longer to get there. I found it amusing because of how reliable it was that I would make the wrong choice, but it made me wonder how I would be able to compare cognitive function.
This is my greatest regret with my experiment. It’s clear to me when I’m not functioning at all, but reduced function is a lot more subtle. It’s also hard to establish a baseline- driving to the store to pick up some alarm stuff before I transitioned, I noticed I was consistently making navigation errors, leading to it taking significantly longer to get there. I found it amusing because of how reliable it was that I would make the wrong choice, but it made me wonder how I would be able to compare cognitive function.