Ben Lambert’s “A student’s guide to Bayesian Statistics” as the best intro to *applied* Bayesian stats. The book starts with very little prerequisites, explains the math well while keeping it to a minimum necessary for intuition, (+has good illustrations) and goes all the way to building models in Stan. (Other good books are McEarlath Statistical Rethinking, Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis and Gelman’s more math-heavy Bayesian Data Analysis). I recommend Lambert for being the most holistic coverage.
ETA: I have read McEarlath Statistical Rethinking and Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, skimmed Gelman’s Bayesian Data Analysis. Recommend Lambert if you only read 1 book or as your first book in the area.
I think it’s actually still better to post the comments in the original thread, just to have everything be in one place, and now that it’s pinned for a week, the new comments will get seen (and generally get more visibility than here).
The idea of the original post is to always recommend one book over another book. Have you read books Bayesian stat books you consider less good then Ben Lambert’s?
Ben Lambert’s “A student’s guide to Bayesian Statistics” as the best intro to *applied* Bayesian stats. The book starts with very little prerequisites, explains the math well while keeping it to a minimum necessary for intuition, (+has good illustrations) and goes all the way to building models in Stan. (Other good books are McEarlath Statistical Rethinking, Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis and Gelman’s more math-heavy Bayesian Data Analysis). I recommend Lambert for being the most holistic coverage.
PS. He has a playlist of complementary videos to go along with the book
ETA: I have read McEarlath Statistical Rethinking and Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, skimmed Gelman’s Bayesian Data Analysis. Recommend Lambert if you only read 1 book or as your first book in the area.
I think it’s actually still better to post the comments in the original thread, just to have everything be in one place, and now that it’s pinned for a week, the new comments will get seen (and generally get more visibility than here).
The idea of the original post is to always recommend one book over another book. Have you read books Bayesian stat books you consider less good then Ben Lambert’s?
Thanks, added a comment
Could you post this in the original thread so people searching for it see it?
Done. That thread is uge.