There is a rather obvious difference. You can start investing time and effort into your expected career at an early age. Mistakes can be costly. You cannot invest time and effort into your expected number children when you’re a teenager. You can change your mind easily (until you actually start having children) at no cost.
But note that the OP complains that parents talk to their kids about careers but don’t talk about the number of children to have. I suspect that parents do talk about teenage pregnancy.
There is a rather obvious difference. You can start investing time and effort into your expected career at an early age. Mistakes can be costly. You cannot invest time and effort into your expected number children when you’re a teenager. You can change your mind easily (until you actually start having children) at no cost.
Yeah, well, I know :-)
But note that the OP complains that parents talk to their kids about careers but don’t talk about the number of children to have. I suspect that parents do talk about teenage pregnancy.
On the other hand, women tend to underestimate how quickly their fertility will decline.