As long as your personal blog exists, it will beg for your time.
Why? I see variants of this argument, not for blogging, but for publishing open source software and my response is the same: it’s perfectly all right to put something out there, and then not update it or touch it or feel obligated to interact with it ever again.
In fact, for a blogpost, it’s an even easier argument to make. It’s not as if reading a blogpost will result in crashing software or security vulnerabilities in the same way that pulling in a dependency on an unmaintained library will.
If you feel like you have something to write, write it. When you run out of things to write, stop.
Why? I see variants of this argument, not for blogging, but for publishing open source software and my response is the same: it’s perfectly all right to put something out there, and then not update it or touch it or feel obligated to interact with it ever again.
In fact, for a blogpost, it’s an even easier argument to make. It’s not as if reading a blogpost will result in crashing software or security vulnerabilities in the same way that pulling in a dependency on an unmaintained library will.
If you feel like you have something to write, write it. When you run out of things to write, stop.