[Edit 15/05/2024: I currently think that both forward and backward chaining paradigms are missing something important. Instead, there is something like ‘side-chaining’ or ‘wide-chaining’ where you are investigating how things are related forwardly, backwardly and sideways to make use of synergystic information ]
Optimal Forward-chaining versus backward-chaining.
In general, this is going to depend on the domain. In environments for which we have many expert samples and there are many existing techniques backward-chaining is key. (i.e. deploying resources & applying best practices in business & industrial contexts)
In open-ended environments such as those arising Science, especially pre-paradigmatic fields backward-chaining and explicit plans breakdown quickly.
Incremental vs Cumulative
Incremental: 90% forward chaining 10% backward chaining from an overall goal.
Cumulative: predominantly forward chaining (~60%) with a moderate amount of backward chaining over medium lengths (30%) and only a small about of backward chaining (10%) over long lengths.
[Edit 15/05/2024: I currently think that both forward and backward chaining paradigms are missing something important. Instead, there is something like ‘side-chaining’ or ‘wide-chaining’ where you are investigating how things are related forwardly, backwardly and sideways to make use of synergystic information ]
Optimal Forward-chaining versus backward-chaining.
In general, this is going to depend on the domain. In environments for which we have many expert samples and there are many existing techniques backward-chaining is key. (i.e. deploying resources & applying best practices in business & industrial contexts)
In open-ended environments such as those arising Science, especially pre-paradigmatic fields backward-chaining and explicit plans breakdown quickly.
Incremental vs Cumulative
Incremental: 90% forward chaining 10% backward chaining from an overall goal.
Cumulative: predominantly forward chaining (~60%) with a moderate amount of backward chaining over medium lengths (30%) and only a small about of backward chaining (10%) over long lengths.