The Virtue of Comparison Shopping Comparison shopping, informed in-depth reviewing, answering customer surveys plausibly have substantial positive externalities. It provides incentives through local actors, avoids preference falsification or social desirability bias, and is non-coercive & market-based.
Plausibly it is even has a better social impact than many kinds of charitable donations or direct work. This is not so hard since it seems that the latter contains many kinds of interventions that have neglibible or even negative impact.
The Virtue of Comparison Shopping
Comparison shopping, informed in-depth reviewing, answering customer surveys plausibly have substantial positive externalities. It provides incentives through local actors, avoids preference falsification or social desirability bias, and is non-coercive & market-based.
Plausibly it is even has a better social impact than many kinds of charitable donations or direct work. This is not so hard since it seems that the latter contains many kinds of interventions that have neglibible or even negative impact.