Hm. I would disagree—you only ask “how do I lose” when you’re close to winning and winning is a “stable” state (like going on a fun vacation), and you only ask “how do I win” when you’re close to losing and losing is a known stable state (like having to call a tow truck to pull you out of a muddy canyon). When you’re in situations without a convenient “floor” (or ceiling) to stand on, then you stick with the middle question, which is “what will put me ahead?”
Hm. I would disagree—you only ask “how do I lose” when you’re close to winning and winning is a “stable” state (like going on a fun vacation), and you only ask “how do I win” when you’re close to losing and losing is a known stable state (like having to call a tow truck to pull you out of a muddy canyon). When you’re in situations without a convenient “floor” (or ceiling) to stand on, then you stick with the middle question, which is “what will put me ahead?”
I’ve edited something like this into the post.