Another kinda related trick, although it might be dangerous and hard to pull of:
Convince yourself of certain things you know to be complete bull**, and forget which ones they are. This way you’ll KNOW you cant rely on cached thoughts, and that you being entirely convinced something is true doesn’t imply it actually being true.
Internet trolling. Writing gorefics. Lacking hygiene. lieing to strangers.
And for the same thing but for rationality instead of morality: engage in minnor superstitions, fighting dirty in internet flame wars, do sloppy math.
Pee in the sink.
Is this one for rationality or morality? :p
My intuition is that passive things such as this and the procrastination Gabriel mentioned won’t work.
Clever! I will think about it some rather than giving my snap judgement.
Another kinda related trick, although it might be dangerous and hard to pull of:
Convince yourself of certain things you know to be complete bull**, and forget which ones they are. This way you’ll KNOW you cant rely on cached thoughts, and that you being entirely convinced something is true doesn’t imply it actually being true.