Now whenever I meet someone who tells me they want to go into a do-gooding career, I tell them they’d be better off becoming lawyers so they can donate lots of money to charity. They never like this advice.
This is what Warren Buffett has done. And he quite explicitly over the years said he wasn’t going to donate while getting richer because his ability to compound his wealth was above average and so he would do more net good giving it away when he was done. (As it turns out, he gave away stock in his company, which has a very low effect on “shrinking the pie” that he is working with.)
This is what Warren Buffett has done. And he quite explicitly over the years said he wasn’t going to donate while getting richer because his ability to compound his wealth was above average and so he would do more net good giving it away when he was done. (As it turns out, he gave away stock in his company, which has a very low effect on “shrinking the pie” that he is working with.)