Hardly anyone is willing to say why they don’t give.
In my case, reducing existential risks isn’t high on my priority list.
I don’t claim to be an altruist. I donate blood, but this has the
advantage from my point of view that it is bounded, and visible, and local
in both time and space.
I’m guessing that reciprocity is more likely to work locally. If nothing else, it is spread across a smaller population.
(I should add: Locality isn’t cleanly orthogonal to visibility as a criterion. I’d guess that they have a considerable correlation.)
In my case, reducing existential risks isn’t high on my priority list. I don’t claim to be an altruist. I donate blood, but this has the advantage from my point of view that it is bounded, and visible, and local in both time and space.
I understand why visibility is an advantage, and possibly boundedness. What is better about local?
I’m guessing that reciprocity is more likely to work locally. If nothing else, it is spread across a smaller population. (I should add: Locality isn’t cleanly orthogonal to visibility as a criterion. I’d guess that they have a considerable correlation.)