On the other hand, when I was in middle school, I was taught that the human brain was hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than any supercomputer. These days, our top supercomputers have a whole lot more processing power than the human brain. So it’s more or less true that human brains have already lost, even if we haven’t yet reached the point where everyone can own a computer more powerful than a human brain.
Moore’s Law is a socio-economic observation, not a physical law like the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
On the other hand, when I was in middle school, I was taught that the human brain was hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than any supercomputer. These days, our top supercomputers have a whole lot more processing power than the human brain. So it’s more or less true that human brains have already lost, even if we haven’t yet reached the point where everyone can own a computer more powerful than a human brain.