+5? Yikes! People, it’s clear Eliezer_Yudkowsky is joking. There are no infinitely fast computers or halting oracles, and an equation is not the same thing as code, let alone pseudocode.
In any case, AIXI isn’t my main complaint in that department. I’m thinking more of
+5? Yikes! People, it’s clear Eliezer_Yudkowsky is joking. There are no infinitely fast computers or halting oracles, and an equation is not the same thing as code, let alone pseudocode.
In any case, AIXI isn’t my main complaint in that department. I’m thinking more of
Hutter’s fastest shortest algorithm for everything and AIXI-tl; and Schmidhuber’s provably globally optimal Goedel machines, speed prior, and ordered optimal problem solver
Toy implementations anytime, guys?
I think that most upvoters got the joke...