(off-topic: You didn’t happen to spend some time on a certain gaming-related Usenet group in the late-90s, did you? Your name is familiar.)
As a matter of fact, I did indeed spend time on gaming related Usenet groups in the late 90s, using this very name. (My particular favorite was one where giant signature files were in style.) Small world, huh?
That is the one I was thinking of. Small world indeed. If you’re interested, some of the regs moved to a private forum when Usenet began to die, and it’s still in use. I’ll PM you.
As a matter of fact, I did indeed spend time on gaming related Usenet groups in the late 90s, using this very name. (My particular favorite was one where giant signature files were in style.) Small world, huh?
That is the one I was thinking of. Small world indeed. If you’re interested, some of the regs moved to a private forum when Usenet began to die, and it’s still in use. I’ll PM you.