After thinking more about it, declaring sth like brevity as a virtue might be outright required, because the other virtues and elements of discourse don’t directly trade off against one another. So a perfectionist might try to optimize by fulfilling all of them, at the cost of writing absurdly long and hard-to-parse text. Hence there’s value in naming some virtue that’s opposed to the others, as a counterbalance, to make the tradeoffs explicit.
After thinking more about it, declaring sth like brevity as a virtue might be outright required, because the other virtues and elements of discourse don’t directly trade off against one another. So a perfectionist might try to optimize by fulfilling all of them, at the cost of writing absurdly long and hard-to-parse text. Hence there’s value in naming some virtue that’s opposed to the others, as a counterbalance, to make the tradeoffs explicit.