This thread is mostly me trying to work something out and reporting the results. To the extent there’s a question, it’s this: if C ◃ D, is there something interesting to say about C ⊸ D?
I am not sure, but I think that the answer is that you can’t say anything interesting with just ◃, but can maybe say interesting things with ◃+ and ◃×, which I am about to introduce. In the post that just went up, ◃+ is the relationship between one of the components and a sub-sum, and ◃× is the relationship between one of the components and a sub-tensor.◃ is the transitive closure of ◃+ and ◃×.
I think that if C◃+D, then there is a nice morphism from C to D, and if C◃×D, there is a set of nice morphisms from C to D, but in some degenerate cases that set is empty, which is how I constructed a counter example in my other comment.
I haven’t put time into thinking about most of your comments yet, but I’m pretty sure the answer to this is yes.
EDIT: Oh, I just realized it wasn’t a question.
This thread is mostly me trying to work something out and reporting the results. To the extent there’s a question, it’s this: if C ◃ D, is there something interesting to say about C ⊸ D?
I am not sure, but I think that the answer is that you can’t say anything interesting with just ◃, but can maybe say interesting things with ◃+ and ◃×, which I am about to introduce. In the post that just went up, ◃+ is the relationship between one of the components and a sub-sum, and ◃× is the relationship between one of the components and a sub-tensor.◃ is the transitive closure of ◃+ and ◃×.
I think that if C◃+D, then there is a nice morphism from C to D, and if C◃×D, there is a set of nice morphisms from C to D, but in some degenerate cases that set is empty, which is how I constructed a counter example in my other comment.