While Harry is embroiled at Hogwarts, unbeknownst to the wizarding world, a muggle named Hanna is building an artificial intelligence to run a My Little Pony MMO, which will discover magic, hack time travel, and bring Hermione back to satisfy her values through friendship and ponies.
To anyone who sees the above comment and dismisses it with “Huh, that seems weird”...
It’s actually a very good story, with good chances of being interesting to anyone reading this forum. It’s been discussed here before, too, but I don’t expect everyone to read every article.
While Harry is embroiled at Hogwarts, unbeknownst to the wizarding world, a muggle named Hanna is building an artificial intelligence to run a My Little Pony MMO, which will discover magic, hack time travel, and bring Hermione back to satisfy her values through friendship and ponies.
To anyone who sees the above comment and dismisses it with “Huh, that seems weird”...
It’s actually a very good story, with good chances of being interesting to anyone reading this forum. It’s been discussed here before, too, but I don’t expect everyone to read every article.