Thank you for creating this website! I’ve signed up and started contributing.
One tip I have for other users: many of the neurons are not about vague sentiments or topics (as in most of the auto-suggested explanations), but are rather about very specific keywords or turns of phrase. I’d even guess that many of the neurons are effectively regexes.
Also apparently Neuronpedia cut me off for the day after I did ~20 neuron puzzles. If this limit could be raised for power users or something like that, it could potentially be beneficial.
Hi duck_master, thank you for playing and appreciate the tip. Maybe it’s worth compiling these tips and putting it under a “tips” popup/page on the main site. Also—please consider joining the Discord if you’re willing to offer more feedback and suggestions:
Apologies for the limit. It currently costs ~$0.24 to do each explanation score and it’s coming from my personal funds, so I’m capping it daily until I can hopefully get approved for a grant. A few hours ago I raised the limit from 3 new explanations per day to 10 new explanations per day.
Subjective opinion: I would probably be happy do a few more past the limit even without the automated explanation score.
If for instances, only the first 10-20 had an automatic score, and the rest where dependent on manual votes (starting at score 0), I think the task would still be interesting, hopefully without causing too much trouble.
(There’s also a realistic chance that I may lose attention and forget about the site in a few weeks, despite liking the game, so that (disregarding spam problems) a higher daily limit with reduced functionality maybe has value?)
(As a note, the Discord link also seems to be expired or invalid on my end)
Thank you for creating this website! I’ve signed up and started contributing.
One tip I have for other users: many of the neurons are not about vague sentiments or topics (as in most of the auto-suggested explanations), but are rather about very specific keywords or turns of phrase. I’d even guess that many of the neurons are effectively regexes.
Also apparently Neuronpedia cut me off for the day after I did ~20 neuron puzzles. If this limit could be raised for power users or something like that, it could potentially be beneficial.
Hi duck_master, thank you for playing and appreciate the tip. Maybe it’s worth compiling these tips and putting it under a “tips” popup/page on the main site. Also—please consider joining the Discord if you’re willing to offer more feedback and suggestions:
Apologies for the limit. It currently costs ~$0.24 to do each explanation score and it’s coming from my personal funds, so I’m capping it daily until I can hopefully get approved for a grant. A few hours ago I raised the limit from 3 new explanations per day to 10 new explanations per day.
Subjective opinion: I would probably be happy do a few more past the limit even without the automated explanation score.
If for instances, only the first 10-20 had an automatic score, and the rest where dependent on manual votes (starting at score 0), I think the task would still be interesting, hopefully without causing too much trouble.
(There’s also a realistic chance that I may lose attention and forget about the site in a few weeks, despite liking the game, so that (disregarding spam problems) a higher daily limit with reduced functionality maybe has value?)
(As a note, the Discord link also seems to be expired or invalid on my end)
Sorry—New Discord link (changed to a “Community Server”)