This is reasonable, but note that to strengthen the validity, the conclusion has been weakened (unsurprisingly). To take a system that you think is fundamentally, structurally safe and then further build in error-delaying, error-resisting, and error-reporting factors just in case—this is wise and sane. Calling “adding impediments to some errors under some circumstances” hardwiring and relying on it as a primary guarantee of safety, because you think some coded behavior is firmly in place locally independently of the rest of the system… will usually fail to cash out as an implementable algorithm, never mind it being wise.
The conclusion has to be weakened back down to what I actually said: that it might not be sufficient for safety, but that it would probably be a good start.
This is reasonable, but note that to strengthen the validity, the conclusion has been weakened (unsurprisingly). To take a system that you think is fundamentally, structurally safe and then further build in error-delaying, error-resisting, and error-reporting factors just in case—this is wise and sane. Calling “adding impediments to some errors under some circumstances” hardwiring and relying on it as a primary guarantee of safety, because you think some coded behavior is firmly in place locally independently of the rest of the system… will usually fail to cash out as an implementable algorithm, never mind it being wise.
The conclusion has to be weakened back down to what I actually said: that it might not be sufficient for safety, but that it would probably be a good start.