If you make the AI indifferent to its own destruction, it will almost certainly shut down in a couple of minutes. After all, being destroyed is just as good as what it was going to do anyway. (Indeed, in most models of utility maximization it would flip a coin and therefore shut itself down after an average of 2 decisions.)
If you make the AI indifferent to its own destruction, it will almost certainly shut down in a couple of minutes. After all, being destroyed is just as good as what it was going to do anyway. (Indeed, in most models of utility maximization it would flip a coin and therefore shut itself down after an average of 2 decisions.)
The AI is only indifferent to its destruction via one particular channel, and gains nothing by trying to trigger that destruction.
But I was more thinking of making the AI indifferent to the reaction of the user “outside the model” or similar.
In fact, it kinda sounds like we’ve created an AI that suffers from serious clinical depression. “Why bother? I may as well be dead.”