I almost didn’t click on this submission because I was preconsciously thinking “Oh, that isn’t directed at me, cause I don’t take supplements”. Then I realized that that was stupid and took it. I think you will probably get some pretty serious selection bias of that sort, though.
Note that ‘caffeine from beverages’ is listed as a supplement, but it’s midway down the list. So many people like me who don’t think they take any ‘supplements’ will likely miss it. I suspect this will be a big source of error as well.
I almost didn’t click on this submission because I was preconsciously thinking “Oh, that isn’t directed at me, cause I don’t take supplements”. Then I realized that that was stupid and took it. I think you will probably get some pretty serious selection bias of that sort, though.
I suggest the OP adds “—take the survey whether or not you use supplements” to the title.
In fact, it’s hard fill it in if you don’t take any. My experience was
Tick all the checkboxes that apply (none of them), and select “never” for how often.
Error message. You need to tick a box, if none applies tick “other”. So I tick “other”.
Still an error. It’s not enough to tick the box, you also need to fill in the name of your nonexistent supplement in the text box.
There’s a “do not take any supplements” option in Q1
Note that ‘caffeine from beverages’ is listed as a supplement, but it’s midway down the list. So many people like me who don’t think they take any ‘supplements’ will likely miss it. I suspect this will be a big source of error as well.