[APPRENTICE] I am curious about “Agency”, but I would love to know more about what kind of exercises/messages you have in mind. I am passionate about self improvement and growth. I do catch myself occasionally not accepting some rational argument for emotional reasons or not working on the most impactful problem. I would love to improve this. Happy to switch to private messages, but I thought that others might have similar questions.
[APPRENTICE] I am curious about “Agency”, but I would love to know more about what kind of exercises/messages you have in mind. I am passionate about self improvement and growth. I do catch myself occasionally not accepting some rational argument for emotional reasons or not working on the most impactful problem. I would love to improve this. Happy to switch to private messages, but I thought that others might have similar questions.
My proposal isn’t about increasing rationality. It’s about willpower, self-control and initiative. I propose a four-phase system.
Remove external influences of centralized media. I mean junk like news, television and videogames. Family and good friends are fine.
Physical health.
Deconditioning fear, mostly social.
Independent projects.