Inadequate Equillibria (online or printed). Distinguishing “efficient” from “adequate” from “exploitable” is essential if you want to come out ahead when investing.
Some books by Nassim Taleb; I’d suggest Fooled by Randomness then Antifragile with the technical Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails as a companion. With some work they’re educational as well as entertaining.
Dip into Matt Levine’s Money Stuff newsletter, at least enough to get a sense of what happens in large-scale finance.
Curious why people have been downvoting this comment. Thanks for the recs. I already have read several of these and have some of them on my to read list, but some are new.
To understand investing, at a high level, read
If you Can: how millenials can get rich slowly (pdf, 16 pages). A complete and simple introduction to passive-index investing, i.e. the slow but reliable path.
Inadequate Equillibria (online or printed). Distinguishing “efficient” from “adequate” from “exploitable” is essential if you want to come out ahead when investing.
Some books by Nassim Taleb; I’d suggest Fooled by Randomness then Antifragile with the technical Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails as a companion. With some work they’re educational as well as entertaining.
Dip into Matt Levine’s Money Stuff newsletter, at least enough to get a sense of what happens in large-scale finance.
Stripe’s Atlas guides are great resources for small or new internet businesses. See also Patrick McKenzie’s microconf talks and website.
Curious why people have been downvoting this comment. Thanks for the recs. I already have read several of these and have some of them on my to read list, but some are new.