If the model is smart, this is only going to work if the (correct) translation is reasonably likely to appear in your English text database. You are (at best) going to get a prediction of what human researchers would conclude after studying Klingon, your model isn’t actually going to expand what humans can do.
Agreed. Perhaps it’s possible to iteratively train GPT models in an Amplification-like setup, where in each iteration we add to the English training corpus some newly possible translations; aiming to end up with something like an HCH translator. (We may not need to train a language model from scratch in each iteration; at the extreme, we just to do fine-tuning on the new translations.)
Agreed. Perhaps it’s possible to iteratively train GPT models in an Amplification-like setup, where in each iteration we add to the English training corpus some newly possible translations; aiming to end up with something like an HCH translator. (We may not need to train a language model from scratch in each iteration; at the extreme, we just to do fine-tuning on the new translations.)