Hello, and welcome! I’m also a habitual roleplayer (mostly tabletop rpgs for me, with the occasional LARP) and I’m a big fan of Alexander and Yudkowsky’s fiction. Any particular piece of fiction stand out as your favourite? It isn’t one of theirs, but I love The Cambist and Lord Iron.
I’ve been using Zvi’s articles on AI to try and keep track of what’s going on, though I tend to skim them unless something catches my eye. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for in terms of resources.
Hello, and welcome! I’m also a habitual roleplayer (mostly tabletop rpgs for me, with the occasional LARP) and I’m a big fan of Alexander and Yudkowsky’s fiction. Any particular piece of fiction stand out as your favourite? It isn’t one of theirs, but I love The Cambist and Lord Iron.
I’ve been using Zvi’s articles on AI to try and keep track of what’s going on, though I tend to skim them unless something catches my eye. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for in terms of resources.