Leaving aside the bloody obvious things (universal basic income or other form of care, global internet access, etc)
How’s global internet access not funded? Google and Facebook both have programs for it.
On another front SpaceX plans to launch the next Iridium satillites.
Prediction market. They tried but it’s dead due to gambling laws. Someone should give it a second try.
How is it dead? There PredictIt. There’s also Augur (currently in Beta).
What do you think are good ideas for moonshot projects that have not yet been adequately researched or funded?
Software for automatically playing hypnosis audio via headphones to people who get operated in addition to standard anesthesia.
Leaving aside the bloody obvious things (universal basic income or other form of care, global internet access, etc)
Prediction market. They tried but it’s dead due to gambling laws. Someone should give it a second try.
How’s global internet access not funded? Google and Facebook both have programs for it. On another front SpaceX plans to launch the next Iridium satillites.
How is it dead? There PredictIt. There’s also Augur (currently in Beta).
A friend feed that’s like Facebooks friend feed but audio instead of text or images to give people a clear alternative to hearing talk radio.
A pay-for-performance online marketplace for medical services.