Export data....why? Like, what other device are you going to load this data on? You’ve got your task tracker on your phone...and its records go where else?
I mean, more features = more good, but I’m just curious about the use case here.
I carry my phone around a lot. I might lose my phone or it might get stolen.
I also don’t want to be locked into a single application. Especially when testing a new software. I want to keep my data and not be bound to a single service.
For introspection/QS purposes it’s also good to have the data in a way where I can analyse it further.
For example I log all calls and all pomodoros I do to a Google calendar. Otherwise most of my data goes to Evernote.
I wouldn’t use an app like that without the app being able to export data.
But it does in fact have this option.
(Admittedly, the format of data is not documented, but it’s just plaintext K=V.)
Export data....why? Like, what other device are you going to load this data on? You’ve got your task tracker on your phone...and its records go where else?
I mean, more features = more good, but I’m just curious about the use case here.
I carry my phone around a lot. I might lose my phone or it might get stolen.
I also don’t want to be locked into a single application. Especially when testing a new software. I want to keep my data and not be bound to a single service.
For introspection/QS purposes it’s also good to have the data in a way where I can analyse it further. For example I log all calls and all pomodoros I do to a Google calendar. Otherwise most of my data goes to Evernote.