EnergyIntakeFromFood = Food’sCaloricComposition (* PercentAbsorbed: where this is probably close to 100%)
This is also more complicated because food travelling through your digestive system (or liquid travelling through your filtration system) can be at various stages and weights. For example watermelon has a lot of water in it, so will initially make your weight go up, but shortly after only the sugar will remain.
Other factors like feeling bloated may genuinely be caused by water retention. BUT if we try to build a model assuming these other factors are not there...
And assuming that when you eat food, the mass of the food is equivalent to your weight change due to the caloric load. (which is distinctly not true for chocolate, where you can eat less weight of chocolate but put on more weight because of the calories. The weight comes from added water when you process that food.)
(this is where the weight-measure starts breaking down but if we keep going anyway we can still get a useful model)
going to modify for clarification:
EndOfTodayWeight = StartOfTodayWeight—EenergyBurn + EnergyIntakeFromFood + WaterIn—WaterOut
where Energyburn is:
EnergyBurn = BaseMetabolicRate + IncidentalExercise + PurposefulExercise (+ SomeFudgeFactor for individual variance)
EnergyIntakeFromFood = Food’sCaloricComposition (* PercentAbsorbed: where this is probably close to 100%)
This is also more complicated because food travelling through your digestive system (or liquid travelling through your filtration system) can be at various stages and weights. For example watermelon has a lot of water in it, so will initially make your weight go up, but shortly after only the sugar will remain.
Other factors like feeling bloated may genuinely be caused by water retention. BUT if we try to build a model assuming these other factors are not there...
And assuming that when you eat food, the mass of the food is equivalent to your weight change due to the caloric load. (which is distinctly not true for chocolate, where you can eat less weight of chocolate but put on more weight because of the calories. The weight comes from added water when you process that food.)
(this is where the weight-measure starts breaking down but if we keep going anyway we can still get a useful model)