My argument is that optimization is done best by an architecture that uses competition.
Optimization is done best by an architecture that performs trials, inspects the results, makes modifications and iterates. No sentient agents typically need to be harmed during such a process—nor do you need multiple intelligent agents to perform it.
Remember the old joke: “Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?”
The evidence for the advantages of cooperation is best interpreted as a lack of our ability to manage large complex structures effectively. We are so bad at it that even a stupid evolutionary algorithm can do better—despite all the duplication and wasted effort that so obviously involves. Companies that develop competing products to fill a niche in ignorance of each other’s efforts often is the stupid waste of time that it seems. In the future, our management skills will improve.
Optimization is done best by an architecture that performs trials, inspects the results, makes modifications and iterates. No sentient agents typically need to be harmed during such a process—nor do you need multiple intelligent agents to perform it.
Remember the old joke: “Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?”
The evidence for the advantages of cooperation is best interpreted as a lack of our ability to manage large complex structures effectively. We are so bad at it that even a stupid evolutionary algorithm can do better—despite all the duplication and wasted effort that so obviously involves. Companies that develop competing products to fill a niche in ignorance of each other’s efforts often is the stupid waste of time that it seems. In the future, our management skills will improve.