This makes me think of the Creative Commons Licences. They’re neatly named to show what is and isn’t allowed. If I see that a piece of work is marked “CC BY-NC”, I can easily see that it’s published under a creative commons licence (CC), I’m free to share it as long as I give attribution so people know who the work is by (BY), and it’s used only for non-commercial purposes (NC). Perhaps we could design a set of rules like that, with the various optional parts separated out and clearly labelled. “This event is CH NA-AL”, or whatever.
This makes me think of the Creative Commons Licences. They’re neatly named to show what is and isn’t allowed. If I see that a piece of work is marked “CC BY-NC”, I can easily see that it’s published under a creative commons licence (CC), I’m free to share it as long as I give attribution so people know who the work is by (BY), and it’s used only for non-commercial purposes (NC). Perhaps we could design a set of rules like that, with the various optional parts separated out and clearly labelled. “This event is CH NA-AL”, or whatever.