If you’re able to directly discuss what her plans are for after death (cremation etc) then could you just talk about your own plans in the same context—don’t explicitly suggest that she get it done, just discuss that it’s what you want for yourself.
This is a good idea. Mentioning up front that you think it’s a long shot makes you sound a lot less crazy. Definitely try to raise a discussion, instead of lecturing. It comes of less as ‘Hi, let me induct you into our crazy cult.’
If you’re able to directly discuss what her plans are for after death (cremation etc) then could you just talk about your own plans in the same context—don’t explicitly suggest that she get it done, just discuss that it’s what you want for yourself.
This is a good idea. Mentioning up front that you think it’s a long shot makes you sound a lot less crazy. Definitely try to raise a discussion, instead of lecturing. It comes of less as ‘Hi, let me induct you into our crazy cult.’