Since I participate in a lot of online discussions, three posts that are often in my mind are Politics is the Mind-Killer, Taboo Your Words, and Making Beliefs Pay Rent (in Anticipated Experiences). The taboo gives me a useful technique for eliminating confusion and semantic debates, and focusing on the actual difference between the models of reality held by the participants (found by looking at the different experiences anticipated by them). Knowledge of the mind-killer is harder to use, but I can at least refrain from introducing politics when I want a discussion to remain productive.
Since I participate in a lot of online discussions, three posts that are often in my mind are Politics is the Mind-Killer, Taboo Your Words, and Making Beliefs Pay Rent (in Anticipated Experiences). The taboo gives me a useful technique for eliminating confusion and semantic debates, and focusing on the actual difference between the models of reality held by the participants (found by looking at the different experiences anticipated by them). Knowledge of the mind-killer is harder to use, but I can at least refrain from introducing politics when I want a discussion to remain productive.